from Motion to Stillness In-Person workshop in Boca Raton - Saturday 11/12/2022 & 11/19/2022 3:00pm-5:00pm

A two hours Yoga workshop with Keshava & Radha will start with movement as a preparation of the physical and energy layers towards a slower motion and resting in stillness - which is the nature of what we truly are.
Two dates are available:
Saturday 11/12/2022 & Saturday 11/19/2022
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Price: $75
The workshops will take place at:
Fred Astaire Dance Studio
70 South Dixie Highway Boca Raton FL 33432
Please register in advance since space is limited and we would not be able to register participants at the door.
Sign up for the 11/12 workshop
Sign up for the 11/19 workshop
Two dates are available:
Saturday 11/12/2022 & Saturday 11/19/2022
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Price: $75
The workshops will take place at:
Fred Astaire Dance Studio
70 South Dixie Highway Boca Raton FL 33432
Please register in advance since space is limited and we would not be able to register participants at the door.
Sign up for the 11/12 workshop
Sign up for the 11/19 workshop
Meditation Workshop - Saturday 11/11/17 1:00-3:00pm

The goal of Hatha Yoga is Raja Yoga say the ancient scriptures of Yoga. Fortunately, yoga offers vast knowledge to understand the components and functions of our mind and a variety of practices-tools to observe it. In this workshop, we will study Raja Yoga – Yoga psychology or the Royal (Raja) path to union (Yoga). The structure and components of the mind and a few techniques to cultivate awareness and observe our mental waves so we could enjoy a peaceful state of no mind or Ananda (Bliss). Hopefully you could take with you home a method to practice on your own and an experience to draw you to it.
Saturday 11/11 1:00-3:00pm Given by Radha Fee $40
Click here to sign up
Saturday 11/11 1:00-3:00pm Given by Radha Fee $40
Click here to sign up
Kundalini Workshop with Radha - Saturday 1/21/17 1:00-3:00pm

In this workshop we will learn about Astral anatomy and the path of Kundalini Yoga then practice different techniques to explore and awaken the chakras by developing awareness to your Astral body and the wisdom it holds.
Saturday 1/21/17 1:00-3:00pm $40
Click here to sign up
Saturday 1/21/17 1:00-3:00pm $40
Click here to sign up
Classic Hatha Yoga Workshop - A practice for every one
Saturday, April 25 2015 2-5pm

This workshop is designed for beginners who wish to start their yoga path by building firm foundations, as well as for seasoned practitioners who wish to develop and deepen their practice.
The classic Hatha Yoga is a path which starts in building the capacity to hold a posture (Asana) for a long duration of time then cultivates and purifies the energy in the body by using breathing techniques (Pranayama) which create clear and peaceful state of mind and lead to Raja (mind) Yoga.
In these three hours we will study and practice a few of the 12 basic postures and their variations such as locust, cobra, twist, triangle and standing forward bend. We will prepare the body and make sure it is ready for each Asana, we will learn the correct way in to and out of each pose and according to each person’s body we will find the correct alignment and fit the posture to the body and not the body to the posture. Then, after feeling comfortable in the posture we will add different breathing techniques and focus on different sensations in the body using awareness and relaxation.
Saturday, April 25th at 2-5pm
Please register in advance. Space is limited
The classic Hatha Yoga is a path which starts in building the capacity to hold a posture (Asana) for a long duration of time then cultivates and purifies the energy in the body by using breathing techniques (Pranayama) which create clear and peaceful state of mind and lead to Raja (mind) Yoga.
In these three hours we will study and practice a few of the 12 basic postures and their variations such as locust, cobra, twist, triangle and standing forward bend. We will prepare the body and make sure it is ready for each Asana, we will learn the correct way in to and out of each pose and according to each person’s body we will find the correct alignment and fit the posture to the body and not the body to the posture. Then, after feeling comfortable in the posture we will add different breathing techniques and focus on different sensations in the body using awareness and relaxation.
Saturday, April 25th at 2-5pm
Please register in advance. Space is limited
Kundalini Workshop - Sunday 5/19/13

Kundalini is the the divine energy located in the base of the spine. Awakening and raising it towards the crown of the head is the aim of the Hatha yoga practice.
In this workshop we will deepen our understanding of the energetic system made out of the seven main centers of energy (Chakras) and the three main channels of energy (Nadhis) which are running through them.
Combining practices of pranayama, asana mantra and guided imagination. In order to raise the energy from the base - Muladhara chakra to the crown of the head - Sahasrara chakra, cultivating a deep state of meditation and peace.
Sunday 5/19/13 1:00pm-4:00pm
Please register in advance. Space is limited.