Yoga Intensive on Labor Day Weekend September 4-6, 2015

This intensive is a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding and experience of Yoga, get new ideas and inspiration for your personal practice and teaching.
At the Yoga classes we are planning to go back into the twelve basic postures and find new aspect and depth in these twelve timeless categories. We will be practicing the twelve basic postures in the opposite order then it is usually done, starting from the base and rising up to the crown in order to lift the energy and culminate with Kundalini meditation. We are going to learn Samkhaya philosophy and read from the Upanishads and invite the experience that these scriptures are referring to by different Pranayama, Pratyahara and Dhahran techniques.
All this while enjoying the endless sun and massive clear ocean at Boca Raton.
This retreat is designed for people who have practiced with us for a period of time at some point. It is made for those who have already taken our classes, retreats or teacher training courses and are familiar with our style, the slow rhythm, deep breath and level of awareness.
Price is $275 and includes the classes only. Click here to sign up.
Price with an active class package $195. Sign up at the studio
Many accommodation options and restaurants can be found at close proximity to the studio.
Take advantage of the off season low prices that the hotel are offering at this time.
Friday 9/4
5:00-6:15 ~ Yoga Class
6:30-7:30 ~ Samkhaya philosophy and pratyahara practice.
Saturday 9/5
8:30-9:30 ~ Pranayama and Meditation Nadhi shodana, Aniloma Viloma, Kapalabhati
10:00-11:15 ~ Yoga Class - Vinyasa flows
11:30-12:45 ~ Yoga Class - Deepening into the 12 Basic postures Trikonasana, Padahastasana, Kakasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana.
4:00-6:00 ~ Yoga Class - Deepening into the 12 Basic postures Bhujangasana Shalabhasana Dhanurasana Paschimottanasana
7:30-9:00 ~ Ocean walk Upanishads philosophy talk & meditation
Sunday 9/6
10:00-11:00 ~ Pranayama: Kapalabhati Bhastrica and Bhandas
11:30-1:30 ~ Yoga Class deepening into the 12 Basic postures Matsyasana Halasana, Sarvangasana Sirsasana
4:30 - 5:30 ~ Kundalini Meditation, chanting & closing words
*Schedule is subject to changes
At the Yoga classes we are planning to go back into the twelve basic postures and find new aspect and depth in these twelve timeless categories. We will be practicing the twelve basic postures in the opposite order then it is usually done, starting from the base and rising up to the crown in order to lift the energy and culminate with Kundalini meditation. We are going to learn Samkhaya philosophy and read from the Upanishads and invite the experience that these scriptures are referring to by different Pranayama, Pratyahara and Dhahran techniques.
All this while enjoying the endless sun and massive clear ocean at Boca Raton.
This retreat is designed for people who have practiced with us for a period of time at some point. It is made for those who have already taken our classes, retreats or teacher training courses and are familiar with our style, the slow rhythm, deep breath and level of awareness.
Price is $275 and includes the classes only. Click here to sign up.
Price with an active class package $195. Sign up at the studio
Many accommodation options and restaurants can be found at close proximity to the studio.
Take advantage of the off season low prices that the hotel are offering at this time.
Friday 9/4
5:00-6:15 ~ Yoga Class
6:30-7:30 ~ Samkhaya philosophy and pratyahara practice.
Saturday 9/5
8:30-9:30 ~ Pranayama and Meditation Nadhi shodana, Aniloma Viloma, Kapalabhati
10:00-11:15 ~ Yoga Class - Vinyasa flows
11:30-12:45 ~ Yoga Class - Deepening into the 12 Basic postures Trikonasana, Padahastasana, Kakasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana.
4:00-6:00 ~ Yoga Class - Deepening into the 12 Basic postures Bhujangasana Shalabhasana Dhanurasana Paschimottanasana
7:30-9:00 ~ Ocean walk Upanishads philosophy talk & meditation
Sunday 9/6
10:00-11:00 ~ Pranayama: Kapalabhati Bhastrica and Bhandas
11:30-1:30 ~ Yoga Class deepening into the 12 Basic postures Matsyasana Halasana, Sarvangasana Sirsasana
4:30 - 5:30 ~ Kundalini Meditation, chanting & closing words
*Schedule is subject to changes