It is important to understand that while Yoga is very open to interpretations, it is a practice that has a definition, even a goal and has survived for thousands of years because it worked for humans at different times along our history.
When we go to the scriptures of Hatha Yoga (The physical practices on the path to unity=Yoga)
a very important information can be found in the book Hatha Yoga Pradipika (Light on Hatha Yoga) in the very first verse the author points out that Hatha Yoga leads to Raja Yoga. It is a staircase to Raja Yoga (or the Royal Yoga, the Yoga of the mind). From here we understand that the goal of the practice of Hatha yoga is to master our mind, understand it and be able to quite it, so we could experience what's beyond it.
Therefore, to be advanced in Hatha Yoga means that you have developed this ability, your mind is clear, tranquil, relaxed and comfortable steady and still. These words sound familiar because this is also the definition of an Asana (posture). By moving into different postures maintaining this state in the body and mind it gradually becomes our second nature and this is our default state to function in life beyond the mat.
A person can have a very flexible and strong body but if her mind is scattered, she suffers from mental instability and can’t concentrate her attention, she is a beginner. Another person can have a weak and tight body or even suffer from injuries but her attention is undisturbed, she can stay with her awareness at the present moment she is advanced in Hatha Yoga. You could always evaluate your practice by your own experience. Growing awareness leads to joy a reasonless, undisturbed happiness that follows the practice means that you are on the path that leads beyond your mind.
See you in class ~