The mind can not be influenced or stopped directly. It is a very important point to understand. Many of my students and friends come to me and tel me "I can not sleep with this none stop chattering in my head", "it is difficult, my mind is so troubled..."
The mind influences the body, that means that the body can influence the mind, if we are sad our body reflects it, if we are happy the body reflects it as well. You can try for your self, put a happy bodily posture and you will see how your mental state changes...
In order to experience the body we use slow movement and along with it concentration, relaxation and deep breathing .
The more we can place the attention in the body instead of the thinking process, the stronger the affect will be on our mind.
It is important here to say that the aim is not to kill the mind or destroy it. The mind is a wonderful tool, but in this state it gets warn down. And come to a point that we can not concentrate and use it properly. This Hatha yoga practice slows the flow of thoughts and the consequences will be a clear and alert mind along with feeling of joy and peace.
The mind influences the body, that means that the body can influence the mind, if we are sad our body reflects it, if we are happy the body reflects it as well. You can try for your self, put a happy bodily posture and you will see how your mental state changes...
In order to experience the body we use slow movement and along with it concentration, relaxation and deep breathing .
The more we can place the attention in the body instead of the thinking process, the stronger the affect will be on our mind.
It is important here to say that the aim is not to kill the mind or destroy it. The mind is a wonderful tool, but in this state it gets warn down. And come to a point that we can not concentrate and use it properly. This Hatha yoga practice slows the flow of thoughts and the consequences will be a clear and alert mind along with feeling of joy and peace.